
October 31, 2012

No Fridge needed Sugar Cookies

This Halloween as I was putting together the treat bags for my boys schools when I realized I didn't have enough treats so I thought I would make some sugar cookies to bulk up the bags.

Now those that know me know that I  have a short attention span and not  alot of patience - so when I found all of the recipe's needed to be put in the fridge for and hour or two I was disappointed,  then I came across this one that didn't need the extra time. Done!!

They bake up great, just watch them like a hawk so they don't burn. They're fun, easy to roll out and decorate. You can find the recipe for the icing I used here.


1 1/2 cups unsalted butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
3 large egg yolk
3 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 1/2 cups flour
3/8 teaspoon salt


1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Line cookie sheet with tin foil.

2. In large bowl beat butter with an electric mixer on medium until smooth. Add sugar. Beat until combined, scraping side of bowl occasionally. Beat in egg yolk until combined. Add vanilla. Beat until combined.

3. Add flour and salt. Beat until combined, scraping down side of bowl occasionally.

4. Between two sheets of plastic wrap. (TIP: tape the bottom to the counter)  with a rolling pin roll the dough to ¼-inch thickness. Cut out shapes. Reroll and use scraps until all dough is used.

5. Bake 10 to 15  minutes,depending on the size of the cookies, or until lightly browned.

6.Remove from oven and cool on cookie sheet 5 minutes. Remove to cooling rack to cool completely. Decorate as desired.

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