
October 12, 2012

Happy International Girls Day

Today is the first International Girls Day.

If I could go back in time and give little me some advice I would tell her to stay true to herself. Don't let what others say effect the way she sees herself.

If I could go back I would tell her not to wear those high heeled boots when playing soccer because even though the heel was plastic it will rip off and you will be stuck at school in broken shoes.
If I could go back I would tell her not to be mean to people. It doesn't make you look cool, or tough, it just makes you mean.
If I could go back I would tell her to get her license earlier. The freedom is life changing.
If I could go back I would tell her less is more in makeup and more is better on clothes. Oh and pleather pants are not good to wear when you're dancing.
Watch out for boys in white jeans.
And that guy you like, the one that rode his bike for 1 hour to see you, he's a keeper!!

If you could go back and give little you a piece of advice what would it be?

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