
September 01, 2012

Happy International Bacon Day!

Today is International Bacon Day and I thought I would do my part by writing a post about my favorite breakfast side dish.

I always hated it when I would make breakfast but not be able to join my family because I was standing at the stove frying bacon. (and getting burned for my effort) Then one day, years ago, my friend showed me the light! Why not bake the BACON!? CRAZY I know - but the result was tasty, crispy bacon, and as an added bonus you can cook an entire package of bacon at once.

So today, in my ode to International Bacon Day here is the easiest, tastiest way to cook bacon.
Do you see how beautiful that bacon is!?


Parchment paper (or Tin foil)
Cookie sheet


1. Preheat oven to 375F
2. Cover the cookie sheet with parchment paper (or tin foil)
3. Place bacon on the paper, leaving a little space in between the pieces.

make sure to leave a little space or the bacon pieces will stick together
4. Bake for 20 minutes,  (I like my bacon crispy, if you don't, cook it for a shorter time)

That's it! 4 steps to the yummiest bacon ever!

Do you have a great bacon recipe? Submit it in the comments for your chance to win a great BACON prize!!

Happy International Bacon Day!!

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