
July 05, 2012

Puff Paint

Today was a bright and sunny day so we decided to head outside and do some painting.

I saw this on a Pin recently and thought it looked like fun.

1 Tablespoon self-rising floor
1 Tablespoon salt
Food coloring
Enough water to make a paste
Cardboard (I used the heavy cardboard that wrapping paper is rolled on)

Mix flour, salt and water together in a small bowl.

Pour into plastic container ( I used a ice cube tray) and add the colors of your choice, mix with a toothpick. (I ended up tripling the recipe to make 6 colors)

Use paint brushes or cotton swabs to paint on cardboard, make sure to brush paint on thickly so it puffs up when when you microwave.

When the masterpieces are finished microwave your painting for 10-15 seconds, do not microwave for too long.

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